Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For Lori Cheng

So I tried to do this earlier, I think the wine was running interference on my competency, but Lori Cheng inspired me to try again. Therefore, this post is dedicated to her. Even though I haven't seen her in, what feels like epochs. Really I'm just ready for Thursday morning to get here, because the arrival of Thursday morning means I get to check out for 4 days. Not really since I'll still have things to prepare for that must be taken care of on Monday etc. at least I'll be on my way home for some sort of a break. My sister and Grandfather are celebrating birthdays (as mentioned in previous post) except now Grandad's celebration will take place in his nursing home since he fell again and is in no state to be moved around. This is a major disappointment because I was just praising the staff for keeping him in his chair and off of the floor. Although the facility is extremely understaffed and there are others there that demand more attention it's still no excuse. The past 7 months have been amazingly eye opening with my personal experience in dealing with nursing homes and Medicare as well as what I'm learning in my classes. Obama managed to get his health care package through congress...but I really don't even want to go into my feelings on that right now.

I want to focus on what I'm going to do with my life for the next 4 days. Tomorrow, well today really, I've got an early morning date with my friend the gym, a group meeting at 1 to make sense out of a senseless project, class at 5:30, then a sleep out to raise awareness of homelessness in the area. It's going to be a long day. Thursday puts me homeward bound with a pit stop in Destin, and hopefully a strong drink and a sunset on the deck. Friday=Julia makes it home along with the arrival of Uncle John, Aunt Janet, and Becks. Third Eye Blind is playing club La Vela on Saturday night. Now as a life rule I've decided that it is in my best interest to NEVER step foot in that establishment since I would most likely leave with a gnarly case of herpes, 4 hickeys, and a baby. But I might have to change my rule, because really...3EB, in PCB, at CLV? Can't really say no to that. Apparently they have a new album coming out? This makes me wary because what I really want is a greatest hits kind of a show, not a showcase of their new jams which may or may not be decent. Maybe I'll cruise over to their myspace later and check it out. Anyway, let's not forget the most important part of the weekend...the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the end of my abstinence from MEAT! I can't wait to put bacon on everything, and eat chicken nuggets, and rare steak. Om nom nom. Also, I want some deviled eggs which is weird because I've been eating lots of them for protein and junk for the past 30 odd days.

Let's see, some things I'm looking forward to...the end of this semester on the 28th, a possible visit from Anna B. before the month is out, Tara and Coty's wedding on the 1st of May, and the ultimate "looking forward to" date December 3rd, aka graduation or FREEEEEEDOM after I get my hands on one of these puppies. And the final cessation of pointless, headache inducing group work. And I will no longer have to create a presentation directed at John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, on how I believe he could be managing his company better. Because, clearly, I am well equipped to do this. But that's all boring and useless, and I'm trying to get into a happy place. That project is the antithesis of a happy place.

Regardless, it's now almost 2 am and 7 am is approaching fast, and I've spent too much time on this post already. I must remind myself that in the end this will have been worth it, that it was the right decision, and that these experiences are helping to shape me. Or some garbage like that...really it's all about these people below, I want to make them proud and shower them in love. I wish I could embed music on this thing...I probably can and just don't know how...why must I shuffle between the tumblr and this.
"We came for salvation/We came for family/We came for all that's good that's how we'll walk away/We came to break the bad/We came to cheer the sad/We came to leave behind the world, a better way"

1 comment:

  1. awesome and great job girlie. ive been kind of wanting to start a food blog. not that im a foodie..because im not..but i do have a weird obsession of remembering the places i travel through the smells and taste of food. we'll see. how hard was it to put together your blog? more the wine the easier it is?? haha..anyhoo. i went to destin for sbk2010 with some friends and actually wanted to go to la vela and it was a 50 buck cover. i turned to my friend claire and said, "you can buy a pair of shoes with that." keep blogging my friend. i support it.
