Monday, November 30, 2009


New blog. For no particular purpose but with the hope of an escape. Like right now, I should be studying for a test I'm taking tomorrow night. It's just that accounting is so dreadful I'd do just about anything to distract myself. Oftentimes I think I might lead the most boring life of anyone...ever. I tend to hole up in my apartment and haven't met anyone in the city I just moved to. I have lived there since's weird. I leave a lot on the weekends. I don't work...which is steadily becoming a very large issue. I'm thinking that by writing it all down and sending it out there I might become accountable for the life I've created for myself. It has all been a choice, and my family has allowed me to make these choices. Sometimes I wish they would have smacked me upside the head and sent me in the right direction. Instead they supported me as I meandered my way around and stumbled into this and that. Sometimes I think I'm heading the right way these days, but more often than not I'm still feeling lost. I don't know how to get found.
Life's been weird to me lately.
I've watched Alzheimer's steal my grandmother away from me. Now it's taking my grandfather too. It raises all sorts of questions about love, family ties, marriage, devotion, and doing what's right (if you can even figure out what is "right" to begin with). It's a blessing and a curse to have them live long enough that as a girl of my early 20's I'm close enough to them to be truly affected and genuinely upset at what is happening to them. Nursing homes are an ugly place to be, I think seeing them in these places is what led me to my major of Health Care Administration and a hope that maybe I can get in there and affect positive change in how they are run. Half of me can remain optimistic while the other half runs mental commentary of "you're insane to think you can help fix this cluster" but I feel compelled to try. It's the first inkling of a career path that I have ever felt any pull towards and that's why I following it...even if I have to take accounting to get there.